Introduction: Arduino Thermometer

About: Maker from USA. Follow me to stay up to date on my projects and possible kickstarters! Business email:

Its hot here in Los Angeles! Besides the massive drought California is in, Its not as cool around here lately. I wanted to build something to see just how hot it really was, and here it is!

Read this instructable and Ill teach how you can turn just a few components you have into an accurate mini desktop thermometer!

I hope you enjoy the project and vote for it for the contests!

Lets Build It!

Step 1: You Will Need...

If you would like to make this project, you will need:

  1. LM35 sensor (Already had)
  2. Plastic Tupperware (Free)
  3. Breadboard (Already had)
  4. 9v Battery and Arduino 9v clip (Already had)
  5. LCD 16x2 (Already had)
  6. Arduino Uno (Already Had)
  7. Wires! (Already Had)

As you can see, you dont need much. In fact I had these pieces lying around my house so this was FREE!

Step 2: Test the LCD

I wanted to test and see if my LCD still worked. It still worked! Heres how I wired it:

LCD Arduino

1...... GDN

2...... 5V

3...... GDN

4...... PIN 8

5...... GDN

6...... PIN 9

7...... –

8....... –

9...... –

10...... –

11...... PIN 4

12......PIN 5

13......PIN 6

14...... PIN 7

15...... 5V

16...... GDN

Step 3: Add in the LM35!

Take the LM35 and add it in! Heres a helpful guide:

(Ignore the periods)


[ LM35 (Front) ]

[...................... ]




I............I.......... I


Step 4: Check Your Wiring

Make sure to double check your wiring!

We don't want any mistakes!

Heres a schematic I used for this project

Step 5: Code!

Now its time to code!

Here the code! (Please If you see anything wrong tell me)

  //     Program:     LCD_temperature

  //     By: Constructed

// Arduino pins used for LCD
LiquidCrystal lcd(8,9,4,5,6,7);

void setup() {
    lcd.begin(16, 2);

void loop() {
    float temperature = 0.0;   // stores the calculated temperature
    int sample;                // counts through ADC samples
    float ten_samples = 0.0;   // stores sum of 10 samples
    for (sample = 0; sample < 10; sample++) {
        // convert A0 value to temperature
        temperature = ((float)analogRead(A0) * 5.0 / 1024.0) - 0.5; 
        temperature = temperature / 0.01;
        // sample every 0.1 seconds
        // sum of all samples
        ten_samples = ten_samples + temperature;
    // get the average value of 10 temperatures
    temperature = ten_samples / 10.0;
    // display the temperature on the LCD
    lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
    lcd.setCursor (0,1);
    lcd.print (temperature);
    lcd.print(" F ");
    ten_samples = 0.0;


Step 6: Measure LCD

Now its time to make the case

Measure the LCD protruding sceen and cut a hole just big enough to squeeze over the LCD.

Step 7: Your Done!

Saftly place all the electronics in the plastic container and snap the lid on!

Your DONE!

Place your thermometer near your bed like I did, whenever I wake up, I can see how hot it is!

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