Introduction: Null

About: Born as a farmer, studied electronics ,working as a Consultant and a 3D printing enthusiast by night..

For a complete step by step guide check out -- And for the video demo - Introduction: Creating music is always fun, but making it with your own DIY musical instrument is much better !! Now if you have one of the BOSEBuild speaker cube and have access to a 3D printer, then this project is something you should try. In addition to a 3D printer and conductive filament, you will also need a few electronic components which include the Raspberry Pi Zero W and Adafruit's Capacitive touch Pi Hat. The build uses Alligator clips to connect the black conductive filament pads to the Adafruits capacitive touch Raspberry Pi hat, as you see in the pictures above. And this makes the build easy to assemble with the 3D printed side panels, and is ideal for kids to experiment and learn about the concept of capacitive touch sensing ..

BOSEBuild Design Challenge

Participated in the
BOSEBuild Design Challenge