Introduction: BR :dynamo Lamp With Old CD/DVD Drive + U$4,00 (R$8,00)

13/09/2007 Diagram added ------- BR: diagrama adicionado

portugues-br / english

olhe em baixo pra em ler em portugues

Hope it helps

Hello, this is my first Instructable, and sorry for my English if you find anything wrong please let me know.

This Instructable will teach you how to make a dynamo lamp, using your old CD/DVD drive. If you are disassembling a DVD burner like this one, check this one also: Laser Flashlight Hack!!

List of parts:
1- One white led (or two, it's your choice) R$2.00 each (about U$1.00)
(Don't ask me about candelas)
2- One old CD/DVD drive ...well just find a broken one...
3- A 5V 1F capacitor, (if you live in Brazil, you are luck to find a + 0,001F) R$2.50 (about U$1.50)
4 a on/off switch R$1.50 (about U$ 0.75)
5- A red ,low Intensity led R$ 1.50 (about U$ 0.75)
6- A beautiful assistant =D --- there are things money can't buy

By the way, i need a 5V 1F capacitor ,can anyone here that lives outside brazil ship one to me ? if soo, plz send me a message

portuguese from now on...

esse eh o meu primeiro instructable,
pra ensinar como fazer um lanterna de dinamo, usando um drive de CD/DVD velho
se vc estiver usando um gravador ao inves de um leitor olhe isso aqui tb
laser de DVD

lista de partes:
1- um ou dois leds brancos R$ 2,00 (cada)
2- um Drive de CD/DVD - de graca.. apenas axe um quebrado
3-um capacitor de 5V (com a maior capacidade que vc axar... no meu caso foi 0,01F o ideal eh 1F) R$2,50
4-botao liga desliga R$1,50
5-led vermelho que brilhe poco,"opaco"
6- uma assistente gatinha ---- Nao tem preco!

Step 1: Tools / Ferramentas

you will need:

must have:
soldering iron,
some wire,



vc vai precisar :

ferro de solda,
pedacos de fio
chave de fenda

opicional :

Step 2: Disasemble / Desmontando

Step2 Disassembling

After taking off all the screws and exposing the drive tray, it should look like this. (Take care not to damage disk tray.)


depois de tirar os parafusos e tudo procure essa parte (cuidado pra nao estragar a bandeja )

Step 3: Assembling /montando 1

Where to put the component is up to you

1- Solder a wire from the DC motor to the positive leg of the LED (the bigger leg )
2- Solder the negative leg (Shorter leg ) of the LED to the Positive "leg" of the capacitor
3-we 'll se it later

aonde vc vai amarrar as pecas vc decide,

1-solde um pedaco de fio do motor pra a parte possitiva do Led (a perninha maior)
2-solde um a perna negativa do led naƒ perna possitiva do capacitor
3-vamos ver isso mais tarde..

Step 4: Assembling /montando 2

Step 4 Assembling

Now, solder a wire from the negative side of the capacitor to the other pin of the DC motor


solde um pedaço de fio do polo negativo do capacitor para o outro polo do motor

Step 5: Assembling /montando 3

Step 5 Assembling

Almost finished
1 Remember the black wire you soldered from the last step? Now solder it the negative "leg" of the white LED
2 Now solder the red wire from the capacitor positive leg to one end of a switch (remenber "the we'll see it latter"
3 Lastly solder the final red wires from the other pin from the switch to the LED' s positive "leg"

quase no fim:

1-o fio preto que vc soldou na ultima pagina.. agora continue ele e ligue na perna nagativa do Led branco ( a perna menor)
2-esse fio vermelho vem do polo possitivo do capacitor(lembra onde eu coloquei " vamos ver + tarde?)
3 esse fio vermelho do botao para a perna possitiva do Led ( a maior)

Step 6: Pull It!! / Bote Pra Funcionar!!

now it's over if you have done it all right
put the disc tray back and
now pull and push it to charge the capacitor

and push the button to turn it on .. duhhh

any comments or doubts just ask me =D

agora vc deve ter terminado
jah soldou tudo no lugar e amarrou ou colou as pecas
coloque a bandeja nos trilhos

apenas puxe e empurre pra carregar o capacitor,

depois ligue o botao .. duhh

english video:
