Introduction: CSD IPad Holder

In this project we will be building a device that will be attached to a wheelchair. This device's main function will be to hold a iPad and bring it in front of a user, who is sitting in the wheelchair, after a switch/button is flipped

Step 1: Needs/Materials

In this project we will be building a device that will be attached to a wheelchair. This device's main function will be to hold a iPad and bring it in front of a user, who is sitting in the wheelchair, after a switch/button is flipped.

For the purpose of building the device we will need the following materials:

MDF, aluminum/steel bar, two stepper motors or regular DC motors.

Step 2: Initial Design Drawings

We will have to build the following items:

1) Central Housing unit with a motor for rotation movement

2) A holding rail

3) Collapsed telescopic arm (part of a rotary unit) which will be extended and will bring the iPad in front of the used

Step 3: Prototype Building

In this step we will be building a cardboard prototype of the device.

1) First, we will build a central housing

2) Next we will build a telescopic arm which will be glued to the central housing unit which will hold the iPad

3) We will attach those to a wooden rail which will have clips to attach to the wheelchair. At this point we cannot use the motors and we will demonstrate the function of the device by moving it mechanically( by hand). Also we will not build a collapsed telescopic arm, but instead for the prototype we will have a once piece cardboard rail, or a plastic pipe.

Step 4: Building the Final Product