Introduction: Create an Electric Magnet

all you need is a long wire, a 6 Volt batterie and a LONG NAIL!!!
and thats all you need to make. This its pretty cool!! Oh!! and electrical tape. Sorry I didnt picture that

Step 1: Putting It Together

OK first you need to do

1: get a long nail like in the picture. Then get the wire a long wire to like in the picture AGAIN......

Step 2: Wrap It Up


2: you take the long wire and wrap it around the nail. Get it as tight as you can for more magnetism. look at the picture if need help. then use electrical tape to tape the ends to the nail. AGAIN in the picture...

Step 3: The Batterie


3: now that your done doing the cord and the nail together take the end of the wire that arent attached to the nail. wrap the wire around the positive and negative springs. Now you just use the end of the nail to pick up stuff. Thats magnetic......
Hope you like this Instructable. MY SECOND ONE!!!!!

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