Introduction: DIY: Making Your Own PCB Drill Using Inexpensive Materials...

Hello everyone ….….im a student
from Bangalore ……not different from anyone. but I’m having some amount of craze in electronics….this is my first instruct able …. too basic ……but I liked my idea for starters in electronics …basically the main theme of this instuctable was just to be independent .

Let me explain my situation …as I said I have interest in electronics. I thought to start doing some DIY projects. I started surfing for one such project …I got one too ….but I had to do a PCB of my own. even the layout was available …thanks to our SP road and the best app ….Instructables , I made the etching using a video which gave me a very easy idea to etch pcb boards …the next hurdle was to get it drilled …there were many problems I encountered while getting this done ..But didn’t give up. I had this attitude of doing everything on my own …..When my friends suggested me, “ get the pcb done from people who do it ..It doesn’t help u” n all these advices came up….time was too less...i had to get this done somehow …..That time I thought this app would help me …. It did …..But it had some different ideas of using printer materials which I couldn’t do...then I started thinking …why not I make a driller on my own?? … Sounds weird …but it was a cool idea ……I used some basic materials to materials …..I guess I hardly used 50rs in doing this...or even less than that... (Guess what …I’m a student)

Materials needed:

1) A toy motor

2) A mobile charger (it can’t be used again …so better take an old charger)

3)2 crocodile clippers

4) Wires for connections

5) An unused pen refill

6) M-seal

7) Drill bit …..(Size 1mm or even less would be better)

8) Geometrical compass or a safety pin **

What are the main things used to make a driller?? A motor, a drill bit, a drill bit holder……that’s all I know...When I got this idea of doing such a driller I had a motor with me, clippers, charger ….i got the drill bit from a hardware shop …..But the main thing which I forgot is ‘how to attach the drill bit to the motor shaft?? that too it should be aligned straight to the shaft …I took two days’ time to think on this …now I had no time … I had to complete this board drilling in one day …. I was looking for things near me …..Nothing worked ….then I saw a used pen refill fallen under my table …I cut the bottom part of it and at the bottom end I just tried fitting it to the shaft of my motor …. It was fitting perfectly …..Tight enough ….and to the other end I tried to attach the drill bit …..To my surprise it also attached …..But it was coming out often …..So I had to cover it with M-seal all over the drill bit and refill cut out …..This worked perfectly ……so I made my own drill bit holder

Next hurdle was to get a power source for this …..Tried using a high power battery …..but it was useless…..i drained up 2 batteries ….so I thought of an alternative ….a mobile charger ….however it gives an output of 3-5V …….i made advantage of this … I connected the wires to my motor with help of clippers n some more wires …..

And there it was … a driller made out of your own hands …..

*My sincere advice: hold the motor very straight to the point where drill the holes ….might cause breaking of the copper connections …..Or sometimes even the board might break …….secondly cover the motor sides with tape …an insulation tape …..Sometimes it might results in shocks or it causes excessive heating ….

Try it ….definitely you’ll be proud of this ……u didn’t depend on any PCB manufacturer ……nor used a PCB driller …..

**Conditions applied: if u don’t get drill bit of small size …….get a drill bit of 1mm …..(U will get this in hardware shops) later u need to make another drill bit of a smaller size ……just try cutting the pin of a geometrical compass or the safety pin …. And follow the steps to make a drill bit holder as mentioned above ….

This insructable was just to make things easier and try to do things independently ….

This is not for people who want perfection in everything ……. (How can you expect perfection when I’m still starting with all these things?)

If there were any mistakes in explaining all this please forgive me …..and if there are any complications in this method , do tell it to me …… THANK U FOR READING THIS GUYS ..