Introduction: DIY Vibrator for Kinetic Sculpture And/or Casting Plaster

About: Artist and educator in SF

In this Instructable I will show you how to make a vibrating motor for kinetic sculptures and/or a vibrator to release air bubbles when casting plaster/gypsum/concrete etc.

Step 1: Get a Fan

Start with any old fan. Larger fan motors move larger objects...this little desk fan would be great to vibrate the bubbles out of plaster. A large box fan is better to violently animate objects in your studio. (suitcase, chairs, tables, etc)

Step 2: Remove the Blade

unscrew the lid of the fan. remove the fan blade by pulling it off. It might have a screw that you'll have to remove.

Step 3: Add a C-clamp

Add a C-clamp to the rod that used to spin the fan. The larger the c-clamp the larger the vibration.

Step 4: Attach the Fan to the Object You Would Like to Animate

figure out a way to attach the motor to the object you would like to animate. Plug it in.

There you have it! Go make a vibrating thing!

PS. a boxy suitcase makes a great vibrating box for small plaster casting projects....

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