Introduction: Digital IC Tester (for Industries and Engineering Colleges) by Shubham Kumar, UIET,Panjab University

About: -----Product Developer----- Field: Python,Machine Learning

Introduction and working of Digital IC Tester (for CMOS and TTL ICs):


IC’s, the main component of each and every electronic circuit can be used for wide variety of purposes and functions. But sometime due to faulty ICs the circuit doesn’t work. Indeed it is lot tedious work to debug the circuit and confirm whether the circuiting is creating problem or the IC itself is dead. So to come up with these sorts of problems IC tester confirm whether the IC under consideration is working properly or not.


Steps to complete the project.

• I did the basic circuit on breadboard and Tried with few basic ICs on it.

• I developed the circuit which can put on PCB and can be used for all the ICs.

• To make the project user friendly, I worked to make the keypad and LCD interface.


The IC to be tested is inserted in the base. There are two modes in which IC tester can be operated

1. Auto mode

2.Manual mode

1. Auto mode: Under the operation of Auto mode user don't need to use key pad, user just need to insert IC in the IC socket and IC tester automatically detect the IC number by communicated to the MCU which is connected to the external EEPROM which contain all the logic of the ICs then it basically tests the ICs for few sets of input which is given through the MCU available in the EERPOM and corresponding output. The result is again communicated to the first MCU confirming it to be either correct or faulty which is displayed on the LCD. If the IC tested is ok “IC Working” is displayed on the LCD, otherwise “IC Bad” is displayed.

2. Manual mode: Under the operation of manual mode user enters the IC number through keypad which is simultaneously displayed on the LCD. The IC number is communicated to the MCU which basically test the ICs for few sets of input which is given through the MCU and corresponding output. The result is again communicated to the first MCU confirming it to be either correct or faulty which is displayed on the LCD. If the IC tested is ok “IC Working” is displayed on the LCD Otherwise “Bad IC” is displayed. For example, if we want to check 74192 the following steps has to be followed 1. IC i.e. is 74192 is inserted in the base. 2. IC number i.e. 74192 is typed using the keypad 3. Enter key is then pressed 4. if IC is ok ”IC Working” is displayed on the screen otherwise “IC Bad” is displayed.

Step 1: Components Requirement to Make This Project:

Components Requirement to make Digital IC tester(for most of the CMOS and TTL ICs)

⦁ Aduino Mega 2560

The Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560. It has 54 digital input/output pins (of which 15 can be used as PWM outputs), 16 analog inputs, 4 UARTs (hardware serial ports), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started.


EEPROM is needed to load the data of the ICs that we want to check. 24LC512 can be used to store 512KB of storage capacity.

A0,A1,A2 and Vss pin connected to the Ground SCL pin should be connect to the SDA of Arduino Mega SDA pin should be connect to the SCL of Arduino Mega WP is Write protection pin should connect to VCC to disable write operation


16*2 LCD is Used for the displaying purpose

GND and VCC should be applied. We use this in 4 bit mode. There for connect DB7 to D13, DB6 to D12, DB5 to D11 and DB4 to D10 pin of Arduino. Connect RS to D6 and EN to D8.

⦁ Hex KeyPad To get input from the user we used Hex Keypad Hex keypad connection required 8 pin of Arduino. There we connect 1st pin of keypad to the D43 and continuously to D42 of the last pin of the hex keypad.

Step 2: How to Make It

How to make it


First of all make the hardware connection as shown in the circuit diagram below.


Be careful while connecting GND and VCC. don't care about VCC because VCC is provided by coding by making PIN HIGH in logical combinations of the IC but must care for GND ie. GND of IC(IC socket) is connected to GND pin of microcontroller(MCU) but VCC of IC(IC socket) is not connected to VCC pin of MCU.


1. To write data in EEPROM use 24LC512 and code from the example section of Arduino be careful about the pins connections of EEPROM with MCU. pin1,2,3,4 is always connected with GND pin 8 is always connected to VCC. pin 5 is SDA connected to SCL of MCU and pin 6 is SCL connected to SDA of MCU pin 7 is WP (write protected) so while writing data in EEPROM connect it to the GND and if data is written, to read data connect pin7 to the VCC of the MCU then your data would be safe in the EEPROM(24LC512) otherwise if connected to GND while reading, data may be lost.

2. Upload the data of all possible logical combinations according to input and output of each ICs taking help of truth table. Data should be in the following format “IC name”\r\n”No of pins ”\r\nall possible logic\r\n

Eg 7408 should be entered as follow 7408\r\n14 \r\n00L00LGL00L00V\r\n01L01LGL01L01V\r\n10L10LGL10L10V\r\n11H11HGH11H11V

Step4: Upload the code given below in the mega 2560.

Step5: Start using.... 1. Insert IC in the socket taking care of GND pin is connected to GND pin of IC socket using GND pin of MCU. 2. Follow the instruction on the LCD screen to use it .

Step 3: CKT. Diagram, Proteus Simulation File and Images and EEPROM Code

Step 4: How to Use It

How to use:


Connect the device using USB cable or DC adapter.


You will see 2 mode options on the LCD.mode1: auto mode and mode2: manual mode Step3. The IC to be tested is inserted in the base. There are two modes in which IC tester can be operated

1. Auto mode 2. Manual mode

1. Auto mode:

Under the operation of Auto mode user don't need to use key pad, he just need to insert IC in the IC socket and automatically the IC number is communicated to the MCU which basically test the ICs for few sets of input which is given through the MCU and corresponding output. The result is again communicated to the first MCU confirming it to be either correct or faulty which is displayed on the LCD. If the IC tested is ok “IC is Working” is displayed on the LCD. Otherwise “Bad IC” is displayed. 1. Insert any IC 2. Press 1 to activate auto mode 3. Than it shows “Testing” 4. If IC is available it show “Found” 5. If IC is OK than it print the all possible ICs

2. Manual mode:

Under the operation of manual mode the user enters the IC number through keypad which is simultaneously displayed on the LCD. The IC number is communicated to other MCU which basically test the ICs for few sets of input which is given through the MCU and corresponding output. The result is again communicated to the first MCU confirming it to be either correct or faulty which is displayed on the LCD. If the IC tested is ok “IC is Working” is displayed on the LCD. Otherwise “Bad IC” is displayed.

For example, if we want to check 74192 the following steps has to be followed
⦁ IC i.e. is 74192 is inserted in the base.

⦁ Select Manual Mode ⦁ IC number i.e. 74192 is typed using the keypad

Press Enter key

Then it searches IC in the database and if available it shows Found

Then it will test the IC

if IC is ok,” IC Working” is displayed on the screen otherwise “Bad IC” is displayed.

Step 5: Now We Have Our Output Product


4002 4009 4010 40106 4011 4012 4013 4015 4016 40161 40162 4017 40174 40175 4018 4019 40192 40193 4020 4022 4023 4024 4025 4027 4028 4029 4030 4031 4040 4041 4042 4043 4044 4048 4049 4051 4053 4066 4068 4069 4070 4071 4072 4073 4075 4076 4077 4078 4081 4082 4093 4094 4098 4501 4503 4506 4510 4511 4512 4518 4519 4520 4529 4532 4543 4572 7400 7401 7402 7403 7404 7405 7406 7407 7408 7409 7410 74107 74109 7411 74112 74113 7412 74123 74125 74126 7413 74132 74133 74136 74137 74138 74139 7414 74140 74147 74148 7415 74151 74153 74157 74158 7416 74160 74161 74162 74163 74164 74165 74166 7417 74173 74174 74175 7418 74182 74190 74191 74192 74193 74194 74195 7420 7421 7422 74237 74242 74243 7425 74251 74253 74257 74258 74259 7426 74260 74266 7427 7428 74280 74283 74292 74293 74294 74298 7430 7432 74365 74366 74367 74368 7437 74375 7438 74386 74390 74393 7440 7442 7447 7450 7451 7452 7455 7458 74589 74595 74597 7460 7461 7462 7465 74154 7474 7485 7486 74244 74373/74


1. Circuiting on breadboard was not firm enough. It was unreliable so I remade our circuit on PCB.

2.Since arduino Mega low memory size so I have used external ROM 24LC512 for data storage of IC's All possible combinations of INPUT and OUTPUT,For 16 pin ICs 16 bit logic series,for 20 pin ICs 20 bit logic series 3.I tried to make this Ic tester to test ICs with 28 Pin but lack of digital pins I was not able to make it for 28 pins. It can test upto 20 or 24 pins ICs.

4.caution:The GND pin of IC is needed to provide GND from the MCU's GND pin,but VCC pin of IC is not connected to the VCC of MCU, the whole project may fail to work properly.


The project can be extended as following:

1) It Can be extended for more than 28 pin ic’s by changing some hardware and some data of that IC

2) It Can be extended to analog IC’s

Step 6: You Can Request for IC Tester Main Code in Comment Box or Mail Me at


Shubham Kumar

UIET,Panjab University