Introduction: Easy Red Laser (That Burns) for Under $40

Red lasers are sweet. You can go ahead and buy a laser but those can be expensive and not always be as effective. In this instructable I'll show you how to build your very own red burning laser for under $40. The process and Idea came from this video.

Step 1: Parts


1. Laser Diode- can be purchased for $20 on this site.

2. Laser Drive- Can be purchased on this site for $13.

3. 4 AA battery pack. Can be bought at Radio Shack for about $2.

4. Some type of insulation. I ruined my first one by letting it overheat.


1. Safety Glasses

2. Soldering Iron

3. Solder

4. 4 AA batteries

Step 2: Soldering

1. First find the positive and the negative ends of the diode and solder them to the front end of the driver.

Step 3: Step 2

Next Soldier the two ends of the battery pack to the other ends of the driver.

Step 4: Step 3

Now turn the screw on the driver all the way to the right. Make sure you don't overturn and break it. This will increase the power output.

Step 5: All Done

That's it. You can add some insulation so that it doesn't overheat. My first one burnt out because I left it on too long with no insulation. Now you can focus the beam and it will light matches, fireworks and make most black paper and rubber melt. Make sure you use appropriate glasses and safety precautions. just by looking at the reflection hurts your eyes and gives you a headache. Remember always be cautious.

Wicked Lasers Contest

Participated in the
Wicked Lasers Contest