Introduction: Easy Paracord Bin Lid Lifter, for Use From a Height!

Hi to all the readers here!

I am living in a high set house and have a hard time walking down the stairs with a large bag of rubbish so I came up with this solution; the system is tried and tested so if you can follow the instructions you can make it!!

Step 1: The Problem

OK, you have decided that you need a easier way of emptying your kitchen bin or you are curios about what I have on offer, whatever the "thing" you will need a (in Aussie terms) veranda outside the kitchen.

Now you need all the required items, #1 A bin, #2 some paracord, #3 a peg (or a clothespin for you Americans), #4 at least 1 whole read through to make sure you have the will to do it!

You will need enough paracord to go the full height of your veranda/balcony and about a metre (or yaard) extra.

Once you have gathered all that you can move on to step 2

Step 2: ###2

Allright, first you will need to thread the paracord through both of the handles of the bin and have about a foot (30cm) of cord at the working end.

Make a small loop at the very end of the cord and make a loop at about a foot up the standing end of the paracord.

After you have done all that you need to go to step 3!

Step 3: You Found This Step (#3)

OK, now is the time for the peg to be used!

what you need to do is open the peg and put the peg through the loop in the standing end adn push it in as far as it will go.

After that you need to take the loop on the working end and push it into the peg as far as it will go, thus creating a triangle like the photo.

Test if it will be strong enough by lifting the standing end and making the lid open, if it does not work and the peg slips off then jam a little stick or put a small rubberband around it to stop the paracord from slipping out.

Step 4: Thinking Time! and Testing Time.

Now all you have to do is get the standing end of the paracord and get it up to the top of the veranda/balcony!

Once you have it all put togetheryou need to take the end of the paracord and tie it onto the handrail and viola you are done!

Now all you have to do when you put rubbish in the bin is take a short walk out to the veranda/balcony and pull the rope and drop the bag of stuff and drop the rope (only drop it if it is tied on tight) and continue whatever you were doing!

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