Introduction: Fix It With InstaMorph

I know I'm not the only one out there who would rather fix my broken dust pan before I will buy another. InstaMorph helped me do that.

Step 1: Find Something Broken

It is not hard to find something broken and plastic in our house. Add some InstaMorph and give new life to a useful tool.

Step 2: Prepare the InstaMorph

InstaMorph works by adding heated water to the plastic beads for 2 minutes. The InstaMorph will turn opaque.

Step 3: Add the Prepared InstaMorph

When the InstaMorph is malleable, it is time to apply it to the item that needs to be repaired. This took me two times but what is awesome about InstaMorph is that I just need to reheat it to try again. Now I have a new used tool.