Introduction: Fold Your Own Asgard Starship

About: 12v Electronics, Motorcycles, Neon and Dirt
In this Instructable I will detail the creation of a flying paper model of an AsgardStarship.

This is my entry for the Toss It! speed contest, keep in mind ratings, votes, and comments never hurt, generally help, and always are appreciated :)

  • Note: This starship might not protect your homeworld from Goa'uld, Replicator, or Ori threat. I recommend you use the Ancient chair that may be found in Antarctica in event of planetary attack.

Step 1: Start Folding!

First you need a sheet of 8 1/2 X 11 inch paper. That should be easily obtained.
  • Note: Please read image notes for the best understanding of how to fold this airplane

On a smooth surface fold the paper in half lengthwise.
Then, turn it to make sure the crease is up, and fold in two corners from the top to meet with the crease.
Flip paper over and fold corners to crease again, allowing the previous fold to pull out. Repeat on opposite side, the previous fold should form two triangles, as shown in the pic.

Step 2: More Folding

Fold the two triangles/square in half, over to the other side of the paper.
Fold the airplane in half, down the center line.
Fold down each side to form wings, at the angle shown (it doesn't matter which side is up).
Fold up a section of the "fuselage" to form a crease at the angle shown.
Unfold new crease and fold into the center crease. See pic.

Step 3: Finishing Touches

Smooth all the folds and creases.
Fold a corner of the front stabliser at the angle shown.
Fold corner again as shown and flatten to create creases at 900 and 450
"Open" fold and form into a square, as shown in pic. Repeat on opposite side.
Fold down the wingtips, bearing in mind that the fuselage is on top of the wing, see pic.
Smooth folds and wings, making sure it looks like pic.

Step 4: Toss It!

To fly, hold by the folded down "fin" and gently toss. The model should swoop gracefully. This is not a fast airplane, its is designed to glide in gentle swoops. If the model flips over, fly it upside down., or try curving the wings slightly. If the glider vears of and crashes, try bending up the wing on the side that it banks to.
I hope you enjoy making and flying this model as much as I did.
Remember, a vote and a rating never hurts...

Live Long and Prosper,

 Toss It! Speed Contest

Participated in the
Toss It! Speed Contest

The Instructables Book Contest

Participated in the
The Instructables Book Contest