Introduction: Get Rid of Dandruff, Grow Hair or Cure Baldness

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Household items to get rid of dandruff, grow hair or cure baldness ! - aftershave, petroleum jelly, alcohol, vinegar, lemon, etc....

Step 1: Various Remedies (Household)

Have had to struggle with dandruff or low hair growth for many years ? Maybe this should help ...

1. Think Aftershave - few drops on your palms and massage this with your fingertips on ur scalp.

Do this for a few days and see dandruff disappear !!

'Note: Women should be careful though, not to spill it all over the face and thus avoid facial hair growth...

2. Alternately, you could mix the aftershave with ur gel and apply to scalp

3. Few drops of alcohol would also do (if u don't mind the 'smell')

4. Petroleum Jelly is also an option - massage a little on scalp with fingertips

5. Vinegar too works in addition to a hundred other uses - use few drops directly before a bath or add to bath water / mix it with the shampoo....

6. Same application with lemon drops, as with vinegar

7. Vaseline hair tonic helps too, if you haven't tried it already

Step 2: Pic Update!