Introduction: Heart Note Fold

Just in time for Valentine's Day: a simple but beautiful Heart Note Fold!

Follow the steps on the next pages, or watch my video:

Originally named after the girl who inspired this fold!

Step 1: Make a Waterbomb Base

Write a note. Something romantic would be nice :)

Orient the paper vertically and fold a waterbomb base at the top. There are tons of videos on how to make a waterbomb base, so seek one out if you need help.

Step 2: Waterbomb Base: Completed!

Step One completed.

Step 3: Make a Diamond

Fold the right and left points up to the top point to make a diamond.

Step 4: Fold Left Edge

Fold the left edge to the center. The upper edge will line up with the diamond.

Step 5: Repeat . . .

Repeat on the right.

Step 6: Fold Lower Edge

Fold the lower edge up to meet the lower point of the diamond.

Step 7: Other Side Now

Turn over. Fold the upper point of the diamond down. The diamond will be folded in half.

Step 8: Fold Left Corner

Fold the lower left corner vertically to the center.

Step 9: Repeat . . .

Repeat on the right.

Step 10: Tuck

Tuck the right corner from the last step into the pocket on the flap you made in step seven.

Step 11: Repeat . . .

Repeat for the left.

Step 12: Fold Points

Fold the left and right points of the diamond diagonally down.

Step 13: Tuck

Tuck the right point under the the flap made in step seven.

Step 14: Repeat . . .

Repeat for the left.

Step 15: Finished!

Turn over. Completed Valentine Heart Note Fold. Now give it to someone special!