Introduction: How to Make a Softstarter

About: Awesome Electronics Tutorials, Projects and How To´s

In this small project we will be having a closer look at appliances that require a softstarter in order to properly work with a limited output current system. The shown appliances in this project include an inverter, a boost converter, a power supply and a motor. We will find out why a big inrush current requires a softstarter and how we can build a simple circuit that can do this job. Let's get started!

Step 1: Watch the Video!

The video gives you all the information you need to create your own softstarter. During the next steps though I will present you some additional information.

Step 2: Order Your Components!

Step 3: Build the Circuit!

Here you can find the schematic and pictures of my finished board. Use them as a reference while creating your own softstarter.

Step 4: Success!

You did it! You just created your own softstarter!
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