Introduction: How to Easily Play Music With Buzzer on Arduino (The Imperial March - STAR WARS)

Hi,I recently designed a sort of "library" in order to make easier to play exact notes on arduino with the buzzer.
I included the frequencies of the notes (pleasant to be heard) with #defines .
I then defined the value of the BPM ( you can modify it obviously) and according to that I defined the note values
( the most commonly used ones).
With this defines you can easyly play a note with the command "tone" like this:
tone(pin, note, duration)

the delay is important because thanks to that the note doesn't overlap possibly with the successive ones.
(the "1+" is one extra millisecond that i usually put to separate notes but you can avoid it if you prefer the notes to be continuous.

Here is the code:

Step 1: Example: the Imperial March

With a lot of effort I did it!
I wrote the code for the first part of the imperial march... so cool !

The Imperial March

and a video that I made:

Step 2: Well Done !

Now is your turn , make your arduino "whistle" all kinds of songs!
Hope you enjoyed this instructable !