Introduction: Improve Your Digital Camera Extremely

in this Instructable I'll show you how you can take your amature digital camera to the extreme using just one item that you'll probably find in every home!
with this simple modification you will be able to take extreme macro images with your simple amature digital camera!
enjoy this one !
Watch the video :

Step 1: Lets Start!

All you need is a front lens of a regular binoculars and a masking tape!
- take your old binoculars and take off the front lens!
- attach the lens to the camera lens using a maskingtape!
- this step is complete!

next step : camera settings!

Step 2: Camera Setup!

If your camera has a manual mode , use it like this :
- manual focus (set to infinity)
- min aperture!- max F number! (in the picute: f8)
- max zoom for max magnification!

next step : how to use

Step 3: Focusing & Using

to focus on the subject you'll have to gently move the camera back and forth until you find that sweet-point where the picture is crisp and sharp! (this why we prefer manual-focus , so the camera will not change the focus once you already focused!)
this is the tricky part , but with some practice you will master the technique and will get amazing images easily!

this is it! I hope you enjoyed this Instructable and found it useful!

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