Introduction: Ipod Sock Case Modification

Okay, I found lots of Ipod cases made from socks,and i found a Instructable that shows how to make a doggie pull toy.
I wanted to make both so i decided to do this.
Creditz: J_SCAP For Doggie pull toy and Shadow Ops for ISock.
Only give me credit for posting this Instructable,Photo's and for using my brain .
(I lost my Ipod Nano that happens all the time when i need it,So i putted a Tom-Tec cheap mp3 player in, from my little brother

Step 1: Items Needed.

You will need:

Two old socks
Some small device (Ipod,Mobile)
A dog (Unless you want do do it with friends O__o)
A scissor
Sew and needle, or a sew machine

Step 2: First Step

Follow this instructions:
But keep the other part of the sock.
Or follow this instructions:
Measure the size of your elektrickery and cut if off,
now take it inside out and at the bottom sew the parts together.

Step 3: The Next Step

Now take your two socks and knot them together, And now take the end of each sock and make a new knot so your dog can hold it with her/his teeth.You now have this if done correctly. If u look at picture 2 u see what i mean with the end of the sock (explained at last page why i mentioned this)

Step 4: Happy Ending.

Now it is all done.Now you and your dog are happy.Your dog has a new toy and you have a new ipod case.(Some other examples in what you can store in sock case: DS,PSP,GPS,Camera's and much more.)

This was my first instructable and i hope u like it.
O BTW sorry for my horrible english i am dutch but i tryed to make it as good as possible.(im 13)

Thx for reading,And have fun.