Introduction: Koi Fish Pond

About: I Love Tinkercad and creating awesome things!

This is how to make an accurate representation of a Japanese koi fish pond

Step 1: Make the Bridge

Use the round roof shape to make the bridge by duplicating it and sizing it smaller, then group and add details.

Step 2: Make the Rocks and Add Moss

To make the rocks surrounding the pond, use a circle, and flatten it down a little bit to make a rock shape. then, duplicate them in a circle. After that, add more rocks and make them green. This will be the moss

Step 3: Make Water and Waterfall

First, you need to stack rocks on top of each other to make a rock pillar for the waterfall. Then you need to make a curve shape and duplicate it so it looks like a waterfall and add circles to make the foam at the bottom. Then, to add the pond water, size a cylinder to fit the rock outline.

Step 4: Make the Coi Fish

To make the koi fish, you need a cylinder and three paraboloids for the tail, and fins. Then, use two black circles and two lines to make whiskers and eyes

Step 5: Assemble the Parts

All you need to do now is assemble the parts together and you're done!

Tinkercad Student Design Contest

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