Introduction: Legend of Zelda Treasure Chest

Which Zelda fan hasn't dreamed of owning their own treasure chest? Now you can make your own following these steps. This treasure chest lights up and plays sounds just like the real thing! All you need is:

1. Two Arduino Uno's

2. Four 18 in. x 24 in. x 0.22 in. acrylic sheets (I used a brand called Optix)

3. A Liquid Crystal LCD 16x2 display

4. A potentiometer

5. An Adafruit Arduino Wave Shield

6. An AmazonBasics Ultra-Portable Micro Bluetooth Speaker


8. Twelve yellow LEDS

9. A Sabrent 4-Port USB 2.0 Rotatable Hub

10. An auxiliary cord

11. A Vinsic 2.4A 5V wall charger, or something similar

12. A USB extension cable

13. Two 1 in. x 1 in. hinges, 8 screws and bolts

14. A can of red, yellow, gold, and black spray paint

15. Epoxy, masking tape

16. Access to a 3D printer, laser cutter, and soldering iron

Step 1: Solder Adafruit Wave Shield

The first thing you will have to do to make this function is solder together your Adafruit Wave Shield. This can be done by following the steps provided in this link:

Step 2: Format SD Card and Upload WAV Files to It

This step can be done by using the formatter that Adafruit provides. Follow this link to download it:

Once you have this done, upload these files to the card.

**If you would like to add some more songs to it, name the song "SWEEP##.WAV" starting with "SWEEP51.WAV" and counting up. Then edit the sweep() function in speaker.ino to include these numbers by adding these cases to the switch operator.

Step 3: Cut Parts Out of Acrylic

For this step, you will need a laser cutter that can cut a 18 in. x 24 in. x 0.22 in. acrylic sheet. Convert the pdf files to a compatible format and cut the parts out.

Step 4: 3D Print Parts

For this step, you will need a 3D printer. Print the files included in white so you can paint them later.


10 x "bump" (White)

4 x "small connector 3d" (White)

2 x "lock support" (Black)

1 x "boss key" (White)

1 x "key hole" (Black)

1 x "lock 1" (Black)

1 x "lock 2" (Black)

1 x "rupee" (Clear)

1 x "rupee bracket" (White)

1 x "big connector 3d" (White)

Step 5: Paint Parts

Paint the parts according to these blueprints. If they don't have a filling on the blueprints, don't paint that part. Paint the key with the gold spray paint. Paint one side of Part#8 black and the other side red.

**Paint Part#19 black instead of red.

Step 6: Assemble and Epoxy Chest

Put together the pieces as shown in these blueprints. Use epoxy and masking tape to keep the parts together while they dry. DO NOT EPOXY #9 or #27 WHEN ASSEMBLING THE BOTTOM. Use hinges, bolts and nuts to secure lid to bottom after applying yellow plates.

Step 7: Upload Sketches to Arduino's

Upload treasurechest.ino, RupeeEvent.h, and RupeeEvent.cpp to the master arduino. Upload speaker.ino to the slave arduino.

Step 8: Solder and Connect Wires and Components

  1. Solder 6-12 yellow LED's in parallel with about an inch of wire between them. Use about 2 inches of wire in the middle. On the first cathode connect a 220-ohm resistor and connect a wire to ground on the first anode. Connect to pin 6. Arrange these on the LED holder glued into the bottom panel.
  2. Solder potentiometer with three wires. Place in Part#36 and run wires through cavity on bottom. Connect to pin A0, VCC, and ground.
  3. Insert RGB into rupee holder (Part#39) and then solder color pins in series with a 220-ohm resistor. Solder VCC (the longest leg) with a wire and connect to pin 8. Connect red to pin 9, green to pin 10, and blue to pin 11.
  4. Solder both pushbuttons to a 10k resistor on one end and a wire to ground on the other end. Connect one to pin 2 to use as an interrupt. Place this one in the secret lid (Part#13). Connect the other to pin 7. Place this one in the groove on the top of the back wall (Part#19).
  5. Connect LCD display with jumper wires and connect to VCC, SDA, SCL, and ground. Run the wires of LCD screen and potentiometer through cavity in Part#20.
  6. Connect master Arduino to slave Arduino via a jumper from pin 1 on the master to pin 0 on the slave.
  7. Connect Arduino's and Bluetooth speaker to USB hub and insert hub into back wall (Part#19).
  8. Connect Wave Shield to the Bluetooth speaker via the auxiliary cord.
  9. Cover all components with the LED lid (Part#27).

**It's necessary to connect some grounds together

Step 9: If It All Worked Out... should look something like this!

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Make It Glow! Contest

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