Introduction: DIY Arduino LCD Shield

About: I am always making electronic stuff. I like to do Arduino projects best. more projects coming soon!

This is an easy project to make a shield whit a 16x2 LCD on it.

parts needed:

1. Arduino UNO

2. 16x2 liquidcrystal display

3. 10k potentiometer

4. PCB shield for arduino uno

5. jumper wires

6. female headed pins 16x

Step 1: The LCD Connector

You don't really need a female pin connector to the LCD, you can just soldier it to the PCB board.

Soldier the pins and the jumper wires to where they are supposed to be.

Step 2: The Potentiometer

I soldered a pcb board on it and put 3 male pins on it to make it fit on my pcb shield, but you don't have to do it.

Step 3: More Soldering

Find a place to have the potentiometer on the pcb. Check if the LCD display and Arduino fits before you soldier the potentiometer in place.

when you have done that soldier jumper wires from the potentiometer to the pins its going to.

Step 4:

Step 5: Finish

Conect the display and the shield to the Arduino UNO and upload the code. If you have made it please click the "I made it" and post a picture in the comments :)

Step 6: The Code

To edit the text on de lcd just write something else than TEXT 1 AND TEXT 2 where they are.

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