Introduction: Mat's Headphone Stand

About: Father of 5 sons, and step-dad to 2 daughters and a 6th son. We are constantly creating projects and developing solutions to our day-to-day living. Also a 20+ year Marketing Design Solutions firm - AdJourney.

My son Matthew wanted a headphone stand for this corded headset. After looking at Best Buy and other places online - he determined this was outside of his budget (of no money) and so I suggested we build our own! We looked at some designs (all in cheap, flimsy plastic) and decided we could do better!


  • 2 scrap pieces of lumber. We got these from Lowes tash pile (with their permission). Both pieces are dividers between other ported lumber stacks.
  • The "silver" piece is a simple short leg for furniture. We thought the shape lended itself to a good hanger.
  • Metal "foot" attachment piece simply screws onto the plank, and the leg (with a screw already in the end) screws into the plate.
  • Angle brackets (simple "L") x 2
  • Spray paint (we chose black and silver)

Step 1: Gather Your Materials!

Tools - we used a jig saw and speed square to make out cuts straight. Jitterbug sander to smooth the wood....

Step 2: Paint It!

After Matthew measured and cut the pieces needed -t hen sanded them well - he painted the 2 planks a matte black.

Step 3: Join the Planks to Make a Stand...

Using the 2 angle brackets - Matthew secured the "L" with wood screws and a drill.

Step 4: Attach the "leg" to Make the Hanger...

With the plate positioned where he wanted it, Matthew then screwed the leg screw into the plate. EASY!!!

Step 5: Admire Your Handiwork...

This project took a total of 30-minutes (including cutting, sanding, painting and attaching.)

Step 6: Add Your Headphones.

The goal was a headphone hanger... This MORE than did the job and looks great. We think we may add a flag cleat to the back for winding up the cord.

Step 7: How It Wrapped Up...

Here it is - all complete. Matthew loves it! He did it (with supervision and minimal direction from me) all by himself!