Introduction: Paper Ring

About: Hi I'm only 11 and I like building stuff.Lots of the skills I have I learned on my own

This is an easy model that I learned on the internet.Also this is my first instructable so please leave comments or suggestions

Step 1: Paper

Take a square piece of paper and cut it in half (I used a sticky note because that was the right size for my finger).

Step 2:

Step 3:

Fold the piece of paper in half again and then unfold.Fold both sides to meet the central line

Step 4:

Step 5:

Fold the model completely in half

Step 6:

Fold both corners to the centre line

Step 7:

Tuck both corners in

Step 8:

Fold both lines to the centre

Step 9:

Pull sides out and pop up the top

Step 10:

Add a piece of tape or glue to hold it together and your done

Step 11:

Now go show off your new ring