Introduction: Fun With Frames - Photography Composition Technique. Natural (Pallet Wood) Framing. Baie De Mont Saint Michel En Bois De Palette.

About: I am an escapee from modern life, now living by the sea in a forest garden in France. After over 20 years industrial experience, I quit my managerial position to study for a degree in Engineering. That done I …

A day out in our local area, trying to improve our photography using an external frame of pallet wood. This is a technique used to train the eye to look at every item in the frame and thus create better and more aesthetically pleasing compositions. In other words - fun with frames.
Breton Music from the Dongas Tribe an an dro, a dance we know well! also at
Un jour libre dans notre région, en essayant d'améliorer notre photographie à l'aide d'un cadre extérieur de bois de palette. Il s'agit d'une technique utilisée pour former l'œil à regarder à chaque élément de l'image et donc de créer des compositions plus efficaces et plus agréables esthétiquement. En anglais "fun with frames"..