Introduction: Premiere Pro Edit Dial Controller (Seek / Play / Pause) ($6 DIY)

About: Hi, I'm Eunchan Park from S.Korea. I have 3 missions Making Happy Things, Sharing How To Make Happy Things, Copying Happy Things Maker for the world's Happiness In order to pursue my mission, I have a big goal…

I am selling a product that can be configurable with a web browser without coding.

Please take a look at below link!!


New version is here!!

I’m really into making Youtube videos for Instructables. Sometimes it is hard to rewind the moment I wanted to pause. So, I thought it would be nice if I had a dial for it.

[ Instruction ]


Source Code

3D Printing File

[ About the maker ]

Youtube Channel


Step 1: Preparing Materials and Tools

[3d printing]

Step 2: Assemble the Encoder and the Arduino

The very first step is soldering.

This weird connection shows that I didn’t want to use any wires for soldering it at all.

I used digital output for giving ground and 5v.

It works well!

Step 3: Solder 5 Pins. It Is All!

Solder all five pins.

It is straightforward.

Step 4: Put the Circuit Board Into the Drum Frame.

There is a vertical hole on the side wall.

It is for USB terminal

Step 5: Fasten It

I uploaded a nut shape model on the Thingiverse just in case you don’t have a proper size of nuts.

(Using a M7 nut is better way.)

Step 6: Glue It (Optional)

If you want to fix it completely, glue it.

Step 7: Put Coins Into the Bottom Frame

Put 4 quarter into the bottom frame for making it heavy.

Step 8: Assemble Them Together

Step 9: Assemble the Dial Knob

Put the dial into the frame or you can use other knobs for it.

You can use other knobs (I prefer smaller one)

Step 10: Download the Source Code From Github

just in case, here is code

<p>#include "Keyboard.h"</p><p>#define  OUTPUT_B 15
#define OUTPUT_A A0
#define BUTTON A1
#define PIN_5V A2
#define PIN_GND A3</p><p>bool aState;
bool aLastState;
int lastButtonState = 0;</p><p>void setup() {</p><p> Keyboard.begin();</p><p> pinMode(OUTPUT_A, INPUT);
pinMode(BUTTON, INPUT_PULLUP);</p><p> pinMode(PIN_5V, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(PIN_5V, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PIN_GND, LOW);</p><p> Serial.begin(9600);</p><p> aLastState = digitalRead(OUTPUT_A);
bool count = 0;
bool keyFlag = false;
long lastClickTime = 0;
long lastRotateTime = 0;</p><p>void loop() {</p><p> if (millis() - lastClickTime > 1000) {
aState = digitalRead(OUTPUT_A);
if (aState != aLastState) {
if (digitalRead(OUTPUT_B) != aState) {;
} else {;
aLastState = aState;
}</p><p> if (digitalRead(BUTTON) == LOW) {
if (lastButtonState == HIGH) {
Keyboard.print(" ");
lastClickTime = millis();
lastButtonState = LOW;
} else {
lastButtonState = HIGH;

Step 11: Plug USB Cable

Meanwhile, plug usb cable into your arduino board and your PC.

if you didn’t install the arduino IDE, please install it.

Step 12: Select Leonardo

Select Arduino Leonardo in the Tool bar - Board - Arduino Leonardo

Step 13: Select Com Port

And Select the Communication Port which is in Tool - Port.

You can see the new port when you plug your Arduino to your pc

Step 14: Upload

Now, Hit the upload button

Step 15: Confirm "Done Uploading"

If you can see “Done uploading” text, it means done.

Step 16: Congratulations! DONE!

It has a click switch.

Everytime you click it, the arduino sends a space text.

So, you can make the premiere pro play and pause.

I think you guys have been suffered from this situation.

For example, I wanted to pause when the scene is changed.

But I cannot stop it immediately, So, I had no choice but to seek it by clicking here and there.

Now with this dial, I am able to seek it way better than ever.