Introduction: RF 315MHz/433MHz Wireless and Arduino...again!

About: Maker, PCB designer , electronics instructor from Jordan just one word ! I Adore electronics follow me on FB

Hello everyone ! in this artical i will try to update my older artical about RF ASK 315MHz and 433MHz ,with more application and update the library i used before

First it might be good to check my older artical about RF433/315MHZ from here

with many feedback arrived me about it, i decided to fix many issue like:

  1. Using Radio head Library , more better and a comprehensive library .
  2. Using a module from Seeedstudio comes with antenna to see if it will increase the range of Tx and Rx.
  3. add more codes and video for this RF.

let's start with component we need

Step 1: Components and Software

  1. Arduino Board x 2 pcs "You can choose any 2 board type you want
    I used Uno and Nano to do this experiment.
  2. RF315/433 module, You can buy it from
    Seeedstudio I used This one

  3. Breadboard
  4. Jumper wire
  5. if you choosed seeedstudio grove module, you need this type of wires with them too
  6. Power source"you can use power bank or 9V battery or even your PC usb port , it's up to you

You need to have an arduino IDE , you can download it from here.

I tested it on arduino 1.5.2 , 1.5.5 and newer 1.6.9 and worked well on them all.

you need also to download Radio head library and install it inside arduino library folder

Step 2: Simple Code- Blink Rx Led

first i will write a simple code, sending from RF Tx a signal each 2 second to turn on-off led attached to D13

connection is very simple , you can see the Tx and Rx connection.

I powered my circuits from power bank to test the maximum range of this module.

The transmitter code

<p>/*<br>RF433 MHz Tx code
this code for turn on and LED on receiver side
every 2 seconds
connect the Data pin to pin 12
written By: Mohannad Rawashdeh
13 Feb 2017
visit my instructables profile for more information
<a href="</p"></a>><p>*/
#include <rh_ask.h>
#include <spi.h> // Not actually used but needed to compile
RH_ASK Rawashdeh;
const int LEDpin=13;// indicator pin
const int delayTime = 2000;
const char *On_command = "1";
const char *Off_command = "0";
void setup()
    while (!Rawashdeh.init())
  // no RF connected ! or error on initi
}</spi.h></rh_ask.h></p><p>void loop()
 Rawashdeh.send((uint8_t *)On_command, strlen(On_command));
 Rawashdeh.send((uint8_t *)Off_command, strlen(Off_command));

the receiver code

<p>/*<br>RF433 MHz Rx code
this code for turn on and LED on receiver side
every 2 seconds
connect the Data pin to pin 11
written By: Mohannad Rawashdeh
13 Feb 2017
visit my instructables profile for more information
<a href="</p"></a>><p>*/
#include <rh_ask.h>
#include <spi.h> // Not actually used but needed to compile
RH_ASK Rawashdeh;
const int LEDpin=13;// indicator pin
const int delayTime = 2000;
const char *On_command = "1";
const char *Off_command = "0";
void setup()
//  RH_ASK(2000,11,12,10,false);
  if (!Rawashdeh.init())
  // no RF connected ! or error on initi    
}</spi.h></rh_ask.h></p><p>void loop()
    uint8_t buf[RH_ASK_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN];
    uint8_t buflen = sizeof(buf);</p><p>    if (Rawashdeh.recv(buf, &buflen)) // Non-blocking

Step 3: Add Button on Transmitter Side to Gain More Control

if you want to send the signal to receiver and control when the led must turn on, we can add button to transmitter circuit and connect it to pin D2

Rather than using LED you can connect Relay , Servo motor , DC motor and control it from transmitter side.

Step 4: Send a Command From Serial Monitor

If you looking for upgrade the way you want to control RF module by,you can send a command from serial monitor.

no need to change the receiver code , all you need is to upload this code to transmitter arduino board and open a serial monitor

set the buad rate to 19200

Send X character to turn on the LED on the receiver

Send Y character to turn on the LED on the receiver

You can design an application on PC or MAC with interface to control this module for more advance project.


I powered my circuits from power bank to test the maximum range of this module.
actually it was not that much of improvement as i expected,even with antenna the range in open area was around 44 meter , and inside my home it was about 20m max.

I noticed something from my experience :

  • the range will be less if you put the Tx and Rx near WiFi router.
  • the range will be less if you put the Tx and Rx near electricity transmission line "High voltage".
  • if you touch the antenna the data might be lost
  • the range will be less if you put the Tx and Rx near Microwave oven.

  • the Transmitter will be more better if you install it on higher level "altitude"than the receiver

hope to hear your questions and suggestions about this artical in the comment below or on my facebook page from here

Step 5: Video to Summarize Everything

in this video you can see the connection and short demo for the code.

see the video from Here