Introduction: Remove Scratches From Smartphone Screen

About: I am New Pew, I create electronic projects and share these creations on my YouTube channel. In every video I mainly show how you can make these innovative creations yourself! There is a description of each pro…

Read the complete discription and watch the video before you try it!

Step 1:


Toothpaste (not gel toothpaste)

Something 100% cotton

The smartphone

A slightly damp clean paper towel or something.

Step 2:

Put a little toothpaste on the 100% cotton and lightly apply to the smartphone in a circular motion.

Step 3:

Let it sit for about 15 mins or something.

Step 4:

Take the slightly damp clean paper towel (or anything that's slightly damp that will not leave residue) and wipe down the screen.

Step 5:

Maybe do it again if needed.

Important: use damp towel on step 4 or it will scratch even more! Also use real toothpaste not gel toothpaste! And wipe lightly when applying or more scratches! And finally don't get toothpaste in any of the port holes!