Introduction: Repair a Fishing Rod

My friend borrowed my light weight fishing rod and caught a very big fish! Shortly after landing the fish, the rod broke in half. I loved that rod, even more now with a great story attached, so I decided to fix it.

Step 1: Ready Your Materials

Materials required:

  • Epoxy Glue (I use JB Weld)
  • Drill bit
  • Paper towel

On the drill bit, I brainstormed for quite a while as to where to find a splint that I could put into the hollow shaft of the fishing rod. I even went down and bought a dowel that was just over-size, planning to sand it down. Then I thought of the pile of old drill bits that I have. I have every size +- 1/64" They are strong. They are about the right length. So I went though my pile finding the bit that fit "just snug", (a little play is better than a pressed fit.)

Step 2: Glue 1/2 of Bit In

Put glue on the shank of the bit, and put it into one end of the rod, about half way.

Step 3: Use Copious Amounts of Glue.

Add glue to the other half. I just load the glue on -- the more the better, I say.

Step 4: Put It Together "right".

When you put it together you must make sure your orientation is right. Most breaks will help you because their jagged edges align.

Step 5: Clean Up the Mess

A little swipe from a paper towel or two, and the mess from "copious amounts" will be cleaned up. Now my fishing rod has a well earned battle scar from battling such a wonderful fish.