Introduction: Ruby Warrior Solutions 1-4

This is the first 4 Levels of Ruby Warrior.

I have included my personal solutions, your solutions may be different and still function.

Step 1: Go to the Site

Step 2: Level 1: Warrior Learns to Walk!

Level 1:

Warrior Learns To Walk!

Step 3: Level 1 Solution: by Python253

This is my solution for Level 1.

Step 4: Level 2: Empty or Attack?

Level 2:

Empty or Attack

Step 5: Level 2 Solution: by Python253

This is my solution for Level 2.

Step 6: Level 3: Heal Yourself!

Level 3:

Heal Yourself!

Step 7: Level 3 Solution: by Python253

This is my solution for Level 3.

Step 8: Level 4: Rest or Attack?

Level 4:

Rest or Attack?

Step 9: Level 4 Solution: by Python253

This is my solution for Level 4.

Step 10: To Be Continued in Pt. 2

This concludes Levels 1-4 of Ruby Warrior.

Check back in soon for more levels and my solutions in Part 2.

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