Introduction: Set Up Raspberry Pi 3 Kiosk With Mac

The Raspberry Pi is an incredibly versatile machine. This particular use allows the user to connect the Pi to any monitor and have in constantly display any page at all times. This is extremely useful at office receptions, stores, and any place that needs a constant display. The Pi stays hidden and functional instead of using a computer for a display function.

This tutorial will help you set up a Raspberry Pi Kiosk from start to finish using a Mac Computer and an unused Raspberry Pi. After this tutorial, your Raspberry Pi will open a webpage in full screen upon reboot and continue running that screen until it is powered off. This is a powerful tool for metrics and updates, and can also be used as a display.


  • Raspberry Pi 3
  • Micro SD card
  • Micro SD Adapter
  • HDMI Cable
  • Micro-USB charger
  • Mac Computer with MicroSD Adapter reader

Step 1: Download Raspberry Pi OS Jessie

2.Click download zip on Raspian Jessie

Step 2: Save the .img File Onto Your Desktop

1. Once the Zip Downloads, click the zip file and let it expand

2. The .img should be in Downloads, drag it to Desktop by either placing it on the Desktop directly or on the desktop selector on the side of the finder (should look like the Desktop Image)

Step 3: Putting the .img File Onto the Micro SD Card

  1. Put MicroSD card in the adapter, then into your Mac computer
  2. Go to the 'Go' tab at the top of the page, then click on disk Utilities
  3. Click on the SD card and then Erase the disk using the options at the top, be careful not to erase the wrong Disk
  4. Right click on the SD card Icon on the desktop and Eject the disk
  5. Open the terminal from the Utilities page
  6. Remove the Micro SD
  7. Run "df -h"
  8. Reinsert the Micro SD
  9. Run "df -h"
    • The new disk that shows up your Micro SD disk
  10. Determine which disk is your Micro SD disk, mine for example was disk
    1. Look for the Size of the disk if you are unsure which is the SD card, I used an 8GB
    2. Note down the number of the disk, it the number directly following /dev/disk
    3. Keep that number in mind that is your disk number use that throughout the next few steps
  11. Unmount that disk by running "diskutil unmount /dev/disk#s1"
    1. REPLACE '#' with your disk number!
      1. Mine was 1 so I ran "diskutil unmount /dev/disk1s1"
  12. Copy the .img onto the card by running 'sudo dd bs=1m if=~/Desktop/2016-05-27-raspbian-jessie.img of=/dev/rdisk#'
    1. REMEMBER AFTER THE '~' should be your path to the file, click tab to autocomplete if you are unsure you can type it correctly
    2. replace '#' with YOUR disk number mine was 1
  13. Wait while it copies, you will know it is complete when you can type a terminal command.

Step 4: Set Up Raspberry Pi and Chromium

  1. Take the MicroSD card out of the Mac and place it in the Raspberry Pi
  2. Connect the Raspberry Pi to a monitor with the HDMI
  3. Connect a keyboard and a mouse to the Pi
  4. Use the Micro USB to power the Pi on
  5. Let the Pi boot on, then connect to the internet
    • Use the icons in the top right to connect to the internet
  6. After connecting to the internet open the Terminal by pressing Menu->Accesories->Terminal
  7. Run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
  8. Download Chromium by running these commands(copy and paste the whole block and press enter)

wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -

echo "deb jessie main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install chromium-browser rpi-youtube -y

Chromium Set-up

  1. Open Chromium(Should open upon completion)
  2. Go to Settings from the upper-righ hand side menu scroll down and expand Advanced Settings
  3. Click Reset Settings, then Click the box "Continue running background apps when Chrome is closed"
  4. Close Chromium

Step 5: Set Up the Kiosk

  1. Run sudo raspi-config
    1. A window should open, go to the third option 'Boot Options'
    2. Go to B4 and press Enter
    3. Click Finish moving right and press Enter to go back to terminal
  2. Run 'sudo nano /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart'
    1. Put a '#' in front of the line @xscreensaver -no-splash
    2. Add these lines after the screensaver line
      • @xset s off
      • @xset -dpms
      • @xset s noblank
    3. Then add this line to open chromium upon reboot.Enter whatever website URL you like at the end
      • @chromium-browswer --noerrdialogs --incognito --kiosk
      • Follow the example above if you are unsure
    4. Press CTRL X then y then Enter will take you back to the terminal
    5. Run 'sudo reboot' in the terminal and your website should open after reboot in kiosk mode
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