Introduction: Settlers of Catan Card Holder

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Don't you hate it when you're playing Settlers and your card stacks keep getting messed up and mixed together?  Me too!  Now you can build your own card holder to keep everything neat and organized.

My brother designed this set-up and made the plans for it.  I cut it out of 1/8" clear acrylic with a laser cutter, but he made his out of wood.  You don't need a laser to make it, but I made mine at Techshop!

During game play, he came up with the perfect order for organizing your cards, based on what they're used for:  
Wood, Brick, Wool, Grain, Ore, Settlement

Why this order?   Because:

wood + brick = road
wood + brick + wool + grain = settlement
grain + ore = city
wool + grain + ore = settlement card

So I decided to design some emblems to etch into each card slot as a reminder. 

Once I'd assembled all the files and printed it out, it was super easy to assemble.  Everything slots together perfectly (when using 1/8" thick material), and can be glued in place.  This card holder is even large enough to accommodate expansion packs!

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