Introduction: Shoeflower!

Recently, I viewed the movie Wall-E. It was pretty awesome. I was inspired by the boot plant in the film, and decided to make my own.

So here's a little recycling job I did with some old shoes. The shoes were old and smelly, but I thought they looked nice. So I decided to go green double-time by planting flowers in them.

  • Old shoes
  • Dirt
  • Small stones / Pebbles
  • Seeds
  • Drill

Step 1: Shoes

Grab your shoes. Now we want to have drainage, so get your drill and a good sized bit. Drill holes in the bottom of the shoe through the rubber. Don't make too many or too little, but a good number.

Now, grab the pebbles. Place them in the bottom of the shoe before putting in firt for even more drainage.

Step 2: Dirt & Seeds

Slap in some good soil and then plant some seeds as you would normally. Enjoy your shoe flowers, and don't forget to water!

Step 3: Admire

Keep track and good care of your shoes, making sure they get water and sun. Take them to the park and walk them around. Play catch. Tell them a bedtime story (it helps).

Step 4: Flowering!

Here's an update on how the flowers are doing. In one show, there is a lot of growth! I can't wait to see more! The other one is coming along...