Introduction: Simple CAR Arduino Bluetooth Controlled

In this project i will show you how use the Bluetooth module to control a car through commands coming from a smartphone.

List element:

  • Bluetooth HC-06
  • Arduino uno
  • L293D motor shield
  • Plexi 17cm x 10cm
  • 4x TT gear Motor
  • 4x wheels
  • 4x Battery AA
  • Battery holder
  • Wires
  • Switch

Step 1: Video Tutorial

Step 2: Montage

Step 3: Schema

If your Arduino works in 5 volt logic, connect ONLY Tx to pin S (servo 2). The HC-06 bluetooth module works in 3.3 volt logic, connecting the Rx pin can damage it. If your arduino works in 3.3 volt logic, connect Rx to pin S (servo 1)

Step 4: Arduino Sketch

Sketch :

  1. Download FILES
  2. Open sketch and add a library. Sketch -> include library -> Add .ZIP Library and select “”
  3. Upload

Step 5: Configure Aplication

Android Aplication:

  1. Pair HC-06 with your phone
  2. Install application on your phone
  3. Open application and select device bluetooth HC-06
  4. Enter Controller and open “configuration buttons”:





5. Have fun

Step 6: Files