Introduction: Simple Homemade Bike/Skateboard Ramp

Step 1: What You Need

You will need a plank of wood that is quite strong (Doesn't matter how wide just wide enough so you can bike up it), some bricks or some wood, and 2 rolls of Duct tape or so.

Step 2: Step 1: Making the Ramp Base

All you will need to do is tape up 5 layers of bricks, 2 bricks wide. You need to tape it strongly. You don't necessarily have to use bricks, you could use wood blocks etc. I used a some wood and some bricks in the base.

Step 3: Decorating the Ramp

You can do what you want to your ramp, you could put Go Faster stripes on it using permanent marker.

Step 4: Connecting the Ramp With the Base

Just tape the ramp to the base but reinforce it. It should keep it stable just the bit more.

Step 5: Enjoying the Ramp

Finally you have just got to enjoy using the ramp.

Great Outdoors Contest

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Great Outdoors Contest

squeeze more awesome out of summer contest

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squeeze more awesome out of summer contest