Introduction: Take Control of Your House in 10 Minutes

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Make your own smart phone control for your house.

Bluetooth Controlled Electrical Appliances

Bluetooth controlled Lights, Electrical Equipment,

Smart Phone Based Appliances Control

Bluetooth Based Room Automation

Arduino Bluetooth appliances control

Android app for arduino control

Step 1: Components Required

1. Arduino Board

2. Bluetooth Module HC-06

3. Relay Board

4. +12V Power Supply

5. Connecting Wires

Step 2: Connect Relay Module and Bluetooth With Arduino

  1. Connect relay module ground to Arduino GND
  2. Connect RL1 to RL4 to Arduino Pins 9,10,11,12
  3. Connect Bluetooth module GND to Arduino GND2.
  4. Connect Bluetooth module VCC to +5V of arduino
  5. Connect Txt of Bluetooth module to Rxd (0) pin of arduino

Step 3: Connect Power to Relay Board Using M-M Connecting Wires

  1. Connect GND of relay board to Arduino Ground
  2. Vin/+12V of Relay board to Arduino Vin

Step 4: Software Setup

  1. Download HC-06 Control.apk Android app from here Link
  2. Copy and download "HC-06 Control.apk" in your smart phone
  3. Check the download from unknown sources setting before installation on your phone.
  4. Allow download/ install from unknown sources
  5. Install the app.
  6. Download Code in Arduino Board. Note: while Downloading Arduino Code Disconnect the Bluetooth module

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Step 5: Testing

  1. Turn on all setup
  2. Turn on Bluetooth on your phone and pair it with HC-06 (Pin 1234 or 0000)
  3. After successful pairing start the application
  4. You have done it…..

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Home Automation

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Home Automation