Introduction: Tamil Library for 16x2 LCD - தமிழ் எழுத்துக்கள்

About: Passionate Techie ! Robotics | Electronics | Programming - Worked with Arduino, PIC and ARM Controllers

Tamil Library for 16x2 LCD

In this video, I'll show you the Library which I had made for the Tamil Language. This Library contains Tamil alphabets such as vowels (அ ஆ இ ஈ உ ஊ எ ஏ ஐ ஒ ஓ ஔ ஃ), and consonants (க் ங் ச் ஞ் ட் ண் த் ந் ப் ம் ய் ர் ல் வ் ழ் ள் ற் ன்), and all the rest are just the combinations of these two.

Hope you like this video. Thank you all !!! Wish you a Happy new year 2018 :)

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