Introduction: Tiny Key Organiser Keyring

About: i like to make/alter things to make them look cooler (to me) or make them more useful, unfortunately i often forget to make an instructable until afetr ive finished!
I hate carrying my keys, they stab you in the leg, jingle around and it takes forever to find the right one! (Ok slightly exaggerating here)
So I decided to trim off all the unnecessary bits that come with having keys

Step 1: What You’ll Need:

A mini multi tool (I got this one from amazon

A micro drill or some kind of sander

Allen keys

Multiple keys

Step 2: Taking the Multitool Apart

This is easy you just need to undo the bolt using an Allen key and pop off the tools

Step 3: Making the Keys Fit

To make the keys fit a just drew around one of the tools that were removed and ground it down to size and shape, checking it fits, once completed just repeat.
I managed to get 4 keys fitted in this little multitool which is perfect for me

Be sure to wear safety glasses and a face mask as this get very messy! I also had a bowl of cold water to use to cool the keys down as they tend to get hot.

Step 4: There You Have It

A tiny little key ring that holds your keys