Introduction: Wiimote Whiteboard Set Up

About: I build robots. Builder, maker, designer, engineer.

The reason for this is to show how to use a wiimote, a bluetooth usb adapter, computer and software to create a low cost tablet screen out of your current monitor with the components just listed.

i made this after seeing johnny lee's video and thought id show my try at it
im a mechanical engineering student and just found this cool

heres johnny lee's instructable for it

Step 1: The Ir Pen.

the first step is building the infrared pen. the wiimote is used as an infrared sensor connected to the computer via bluetooth.

I used an ir led, small momentary switch, and a AAA battery. this all fits nicely inside an empty marker.
on the end i placed a piece of foil to reflect the light at all angles.

Step 2: Placement of the Wiimote.

The wiimote has a viewing angle of 45 degrees.
this step is trial and error. to find which angle and distance works for you.
I have it placed around 2.5 ft in front of my monitor just slightly off center.

Step 3: Connection of Wiimote

once you have the wiimote placed and the ir pen done,
next is the software side.
the usb bluetooth adapter i have came with the software thats necessary.
this is the blue soleil soleil software.
once you can get the wiimote connected the wiimote whiteboard program needs to be downloaded
johnny lee developed this program and its located at hiswebsite website.
another cool program is glove pieglove pie which allows you to use the wiimote itself as the mouse.