Introduction: Gbaソフトのセーブデータ削除,gba Game Savedata Delete Hack

About: 高専生やってます。電子工作、鉄道模型、GBA等・・・ コメントお待ちしてます。 I am electric engneering to study.I belive your comment.

If you can deleted data by it plan. And,Could you report softname me.
I have some game. I want to make a new data. But, I cant. The game have not delete command.
I can delete data. So have to tecnnic.

Step 1: 分解,Analyze

Take it easy. You need a Y-screwdriver.  
The Cartridge to slide case for open.

Step 2: 基板加工,Pcb Hack

Too easy,monkey can there.
You use  cutterKnife only.
I cut a paturn.

 I pull up some cable from EEPROM and power line.

I do not send current to EEPROM.  So, the game do not read save data. Next,you need to ex save of something. When ex save send current to EEPROM. And save. I make any errors. I will play game new data. 

Step 3: ソフト操作,soft Move

Start game.but, The game no save data.
You need to ex save of something.
When ex save send current to EEPROM.(These cable connects) And save. I make any errors. I will play game new data.

Step 4: 組み立てAssemble

I respons pcb paturn at first. These cables pull out. The end,Assemble cartridge.