Introduction: How I Fixed My Microwave in 15 Minutes

after reading this article from hackaday i decided i should probably try and figure out why my microwave hasnt had a display for the last  few years  the following  was my experience 

legal .....microwaves have killer rabbits hiding in big black tubes these rabbits move so quickly most people blame unnecessary death on electricity used to power such  devices .

do not attempt the following unless you can follow proper repair etiquette or are a trained zookeeper with a quick draw on your dart gun

also if you manage to release a killer rabbit please have you next of kin nearby to wipe you browser history (for my and your sake)

Step 1: Dismantle

this is what my microwave was doing display or random characters  everything was still functional 

the model is a sharp r-510ak just for posterity's sake

opening the microwave was a breese 4 screws on the back and two on either side and the cover lifted right off

Step 2: Remove Panel

find the tab bend it out of the way pull panel up  take note of wiring (take a picture or two its better )  then unplug all those connectors

Step 3: FIX THAT

apparently this microwave was suffering from Nintendo cartridge envy as the ribbon connector was corroded
clean the contacts with a pencil eraser or denatured alcohol  but never acetone.

then put it all back together  

Step 4: Results

taa daa a working display  and for the record most of the fifteen minutes was trying to get the stupid  cover back on ...

now i no longer have to hit the button the estimated number of minutes i want to destroy food

there are websites online trying to sell this service for $35

hopefully someone find this information useful save your electronics fix them

*(no rabbits were harmed in the making of this instructable )