Introduction: Make Good Pinewood Derby Cars

About: None of your business.

here's some tips and ideas.

Step 1: Wheels

go to a bsa shop and get a wheel mandrel. then put the wheel on and attach the mandrel to a drill. turn on the drill. get 600 grit waterproof sandpaper. put water on it and sand the surface of the wheels, not pressing it too hard and keeping it wet. then, do it on the inside. do the sanding until smooth. then, use a tobacco pipe cleaner and put on toothpaste to clean the wheels. wash it off. and now, turn the page.

Step 2: Alignment

buy a railrider from derbyworx for alignment. the railrider makes the car stay on the rail.

Step 3: Ideas for Cool Cars

boys: police car, tank, hummer, some cool car
dads: thunderbirds fab 1, ghost busters car, kitt, you name it!