Introduction: Match Bomb

a fun bomb..............which isnt really a bomb but is still fun made out of strike anywhere match heads and sand paper. i used to make these all the time in my house then bring them to school and throw them down. all of my friends helped! when the teacher came into the room it smelled of smoke but she couldn't figure out who did it!!! i never got cought thank god.

Step 1: Materials

these are all household materials you can find in your house or get easily. and for all you 11 year olds who are looking for this to make pyromanic weapons (you know who you are) you can find some of these things most likely in your parents emergency kit or tool box.

Step 2: Match Head Preperation

cut off the match heads with just about 1 mm left of the match stick. you need about 25-50 matches.

Step 3: Assembly

put all your match heads on a piece of sand paper off to the corner leaving about 1 inch of space between the pile of match heads and the edge of the paper. cut the paper so that there is about 1 inch of space from the pile of match heads on every side.

Step 4: Finished Bomb

this is what your finished bomb should look like. fold the paper up around the matches starting with the North and South sides going in and then the East and West sides. tape this up with your duct tape (use ducttape because it is strong)

there are variants to this using bottle caps this looks like this.

::::::: match heads

tape the two bottle caps together and throw this to the ground with force. make sure to use stricke anywhere when doing both of these.