Introduction: Springhill Group Korean Savvy-THE THIEVES REVIEW

The movie Thieves has a string of memorable and original sequences in the movie that can be considered as their best asset.  The Korean film is more known as ‘thieves’ despite the title card clearly reading ‘The Thieves’.  This movie can be considered and best compared to its genres; it is as entertaining and as appealing.

The setting was just so amusing, beginning with an outlandish Seoul art gallery robbery, followed by a complex main game in a Macau casino.  The most captivating scene was the chase scene down the side of a decaying Busan apartment building.  You will be most enthralled the series of memorable and original sequences.

Although you can say that this isn’t the only one on its genre but it was no way derivative, most scenes are just truly original.  And again, although most reviewers are referring to the film as Korea’s Ocean’s 11, that was just maybe to capture the gist of the whole movie because it falls under the same genre but from the story down to the scenes are very unique.
Lee Jeong-jae, from Il Mare played the role Popeye in Thieves, was the head of the team of Korean professional criminals that robbed the art gallery.  The robbery was the initial scene was entertaining and audacious.  Lee Jeong-jae had an edgy, tetchy performance that was truly believable.  In the movie Popeye strut their stuff and provide a reason for them to hide and risk getting involved with the dodgy Macau Park (Kim Yoon-seok of The Chaser) who left Popeye holding the (empty) bag many years before.  To add the jumble Popeye also brings Pepsi (Kim Hye-soo), which not only ruffles the feathers of Anycall (Jeon Ji-hyeon), who is accustomed to being the most attractive woman on any heist, but also happens to be Macau Park’s old flame.