Introduction: Pocket Survival Kit

About: Animals : I love horses,cows, and cats. Colors: My favorite is royal purple, but mixed together faves are Royal purple with lime green and lavender with blood red. Food: Grapes, Cheesy fries, Bacon, Grapes.…
This is a survival kit that will fit in your pocket, for mine I happen to be using an Altoids container but any small mint tin will work.

Step 1: What You Will Need:

A small mint tin.
4 quarters.
Some birch bark or a little piece of a fire starting log from your local store.
A pocket knife.
A lighter.
And a paper with some phone numbers on it.

Step 2: Tips

First thing is first make sure you have all the things you need, if you would like to add anything else to your kit then feel free.

Second, if you do ever have to use this kit use it with caution do not waste anything.

Third, have fun!

Step 3: Putting Together

Now all you have to do is put all the things inside the Altoids container.

Step 4: Finished

You're done! Hope you had fun!

Step 5: Optional

and of course you can attach the optional ribbon!