Introduction: Introduction to Arduino

hello you will be reading about electronics! in this instructable you will learn about,micro controllers,breadboards,etc

Step 1: Basics

a capacitor stores voltage they can can be big to very small measured in ferads.resistors regulates how much voltage goes to a led is a light emitting diode.ic integrated chip=is the main controller made out of semi conductor material.semi conductor=A semiconductor is a material which has electrical conductivity to a degree between that of a conductors (such as copper) and that of an insulator (such as glass). Semiconductors are the foundation of modern electronics, including transistors, solar cells, light-emitting diodes (LEDs),quantum dots and digital and analog integrated circuits.
A semiconductor may have a number of unique properties, one of which is the ability to change conductivity by the addition of impurities ("doping") or by interaction with another phenomenon, such as an electric field or light; this ability makes a semiconductor very useful for constructing a device that can amplify, switch, or convert an energy input. The modern understanding of the properties of a semiconductor relies on quantum physics to explain the movement of electrons inside a lattice of atoms.

Step 2: Micro Controller Boards

a micro controller board is a development board so you can make your own electrical circuits & projects even robots!
bread boards a board that you can make circuit out of
solder a material that is of metal that you connect wire or circuitry to another piece of circuitry
soldering iron a iron like thing that you can melt the solder on with
arduino i use uno i find it easier to use arduino download software off of arduino's website




Step 3: Projects

bianary metric clock

int deci = 0, centi = 0, milli = 0;
void setup () { pinMode(13, OUTPUT); pinMode(12, OUTPUT); pinMode(11, OUTPUT); pinMode(10, OUTPUT); pinMode(9, OUTPUT); pinMode(8, OUTPUT); pinMode(7, OUTPUT); pinMode(6, OUTPUT); pinMode(5, OUTPUT); pinMode(4, OUTPUT); pinMode(3, OUTPUT); pinMode(2, OUTPUT); } void writebin(int value, int pin1, int pin2, int pin3, int pin4) { if (value == 0) { digitalWrite(pin1, LOW); digitalWrite(pin2, LOW); digitalWrite(pin3, LOW); digitalWrite(pin4, LOW); } if (value == 1) { digitalWrite(pin1, HIGH); digitalWrite(pin2, LOW); digitalWrite(pin3, LOW); digitalWrite(pin4, LOW); } if (value == 2) { digitalWrite(pin1, LOW); digitalWrite(pin2, HIGH); digitalWrite(pin3, LOW); digitalWrite(pin4, LOW); } if (value == 3) { digitalWrite(pin1, HIGH); digitalWrite(pin2, HIGH); digitalWrite(pin3, LOW); digitalWrite(pin4, LOW); } if (value == 4) { digitalWrite(pin1, LOW); digitalWrite(pin2, LOW); digitalWrite(pin3, HIGH); digitalWrite(pin4, LOW); } if (value == 5) { digitalWrite(pin1, HIGH); digitalWrite(pin2, LOW); digitalWrite(pin3, HIGH); digitalWrite(pin4, LOW); } if (value == 6) { digitalWrite(pin1, LOW); digitalWrite(pin2, HIGH); digitalWrite(pin3, HIGH); digitalWrite(pin4, LOW); } if (value == 7) { digitalWrite(pin1, HIGH); digitalWrite(pin2, HIGH); digitalWrite(pin3, HIGH); digitalWrite(pin4, LOW); } if (value == 8) { digitalWrite(pin1, LOW); digitalWrite(pin2, LOW); digitalWrite(pin3, LOW); digitalWrite(pin4, HIGH); } if (value == 9) { digitalWrite(pin1, HIGH); digitalWrite(pin2, LOW); digitalWrite(pin3, LOW); digitalWrite(pin4, HIGH); } } void loop () { writebin(deci, 5, 4, 3, 2); writebin(centi, 9, 8, 7, 6); writebin(milli, 13, 12, 11, 10); delay(86400); milli++; if (milli == 10) { centi++; milli = 0; } if (centi == 10) { deci++; centi = 0; } if (deci == 10) { deci = 0; } }

Step 4: How to Upload Codes

go to download i.d.e software.once you have downloaded this open it and go into arduinos i.d.e.where it says type to run continuously delete those words the paste your copied compile code once done compiling press upload code.your arduino should start working!

Step 5: Troubleshooting

make sure you have selected the com port you are on and the board you are using if l light does not flash
or does not connect to computer your arduino is dead.that means you will just have to burn another boot loader or just buy another chip off of amazon there 5 dollars for 3 of them.if it still does not work just take it my radio shack they have chips there for cheep.

123D Circuits Contest

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123D Circuits Contest