Introduction: Kermit the Frog Clone

About: I am an puppet creator and a sculptor

Some days ago SHIFT! asked me if I can post a Kermit tutorial

Sooooo, here it is


It is not the perfect replica but it resembles in some  manner

So I called this a Kermit clone

Searching online I found out that there is a muppet comics out there
never knew that  :P


Experiment with this instructable and do some tweaks and you will be there

You can also ask some advices from    puppets and


 Materials needed for your puppet




Fleece    I recommend you buy a good quality one because if the fabric is to thin the seams will show

Eyes  I was looking for a small plastic bal to cut in two ,you can find them at corners in machines similar to gum drop machines , but of course I did not find this and I made them from polystyrene

Hot glue sticks

Contact cement

Craft rubber

Some aluminium wire

Craft paper




Tools :


Cutter knife


Brush for the contact cement or a stick


Marker pen

Sewing machine

Hot glue gun

Step 1: Cut and Glue

Make your stencils on craft paper(it is cheap and you can afford to do mistakes)

Take the stencil for the head

Mark and cut two pieces from the sponge you have(it is a good idea to use a thinner one than the one I had ,because when the sponge is too thick it is a little difficult to work with the puppet in the end)but you can also use what you find around the house

 Glue the pieces using contact cement

Step 2: Cut Fabric and Stitch

Take a piece of fleece fold it in two,
Mark it using the same stencil as for the head
Stitch first around the head (no 1 in picture)
Then stitch the upper segment (no2)
Cover the sponge with the fleece and then…

Step 3: Make Mouth Board

Trace the mouth board by folding a piece of cardboard and placing it in the puppets mouth,

Trace around the sponge

Cut a little smaller than the tracing because this will give the big dimples in the corner of the mouth

I forgot to do this

 Glue fleece to mouth board using hot glue

Fit board inside puppets mouth and first glue the corners

Then the middle of each side(top and bottom)

Glue the rest 

Step 4: Glue Mouth Board

Fit board inside puppets mouth and first glue the corners

Then the middle of each side(top and bottom)

Glue the rest 

Step 5: Cut Sponge and Fabric for Body

Take two pieces of fleece and fold in two

Trace the body stencil on them


Cut four pieces of sponge using the same stencil

Glue together and fit the segment inside the fleece part

Step 6: Stitch Head to Body

Stitch the head to the body using a ladder stitch

Step 7: Make Neck Piece

make a triangle stencil and cut the neck piece from yellow fleece

Step 8: Make Arms and Fingers

Make arms and fingers

This I made by sewing a thin hose and a wider one

Cut the wide one for arms and the thin for fingers

You can add some aluminium wire to the fingers to make it easier to shape the fingers

Stitch the fingers inside the wide hose

Place wire inside fingers

Close fingers

Stitch fingers to the body

Step 9: Add Eyes and Tongue

Make or buy the eyes and glue them in place(i made them from polystyrene)

Make the tongue from pink craft rubber and glue with hot glue
make the dark part of the mouth also from craft rubber  

Step 10: Try Out Your Puppet

Try out your puppet and have fun

I have some puppets on my Etsy shop if you want to check them out