Introduction: Keyboard Led Loader

if you have a keyboard like mine this will work it might work on some laptops but it uses them LEDs above your number pad ... the numlock capslock and scrolllock LEDs....

The vbs will use the sendkeys command to make this work...

this vbs will make them go in a row like it's loading .. if there in a different order on your keyboard you can change order in vbs .. its not very hard.

Please enjoy and comment.

Step 1: How It Works

all this code does is:

make object - for later
send keys - numlock
send keys - caps lock

the script in vbs:

set shellobj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 1000
shellobj.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
wscript.sleep 300
shellobj.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
wscript.sleep 300
shellobj.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"
wscript.sleep 300
shellobj.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"
shellobj.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
shellobj.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"

and so on ...
yo just copy this and paste number of times you want it to do it.
its really not a very hard script!

Step 2: Download

hope you like my keyborad loader

you can download the vbs below.

!!!!!!! REMEBER !!!!!!!!
Make sure you rename the vbs to blah.vbs not blah.itsavbs !!!!