Introduction: King of Knex Grenades

About: i like to play sports and skate board
correct me it im wrong but ithink this is the best knex grenade out here

blast radius:6 metres

peice :about 50 pieces

im realy not into knex guns cuz i suck at making them so i decided to make this :D

Step 1: Making It in One Whole Step :D

ok in this step you will be making the whole grenade

pic 1: the pin (this will make it easier assembling it
pic 2:make 2 of these
pic 3:then add one on to the pin
pic 4:add the 2nd one on but make sure the red conectors are facing down
pic 5:make six or five of these it doesent realy matter
pic 6:make these
pic 7:add them
pic 8: add 1 of the grey and snowflake ones
pic 9:then add the rest
pic10: make 1 ,this will be the top
pic11:then add it

Step 2: Throwing

all you do is when your ready you just take the green conector off and take the pin out the your ready to throw