Introduction: Knex Desert Eagle

About: i like to make knex guns and to play on my xbox 360 and i really like to dance (breakdance)
here is my new pistol i made
i used a new innovated mechanism
to load the gun jou first have to pull the barrel to the front so you can putt a white rod in it
i also used a well placed innovated trigger (also used on my side action pistol on
pros and cons:
it's innovate
used a innovated slide trigger
looks good
comfy handle
pretty powerfull like 30 feet

the bullit can fall out the gun
it has no sight
it used one small rubberbands
used one modfided piece

go to the first step

Step 1: The Back Side+handle+trigger

t follow the pics and you should be able to build it

Step 2: Build the Front

just follow

Step 3: How to Fire

little guide to fire it
slide the barrel to the front
insert a white rod
pull the slide back
aim and shoot