Introduction: Knex Micro Tds
People said "knex guns can't get any smaller" I beg to differ by using the smaller knex pieces and the diesign of The Dunkis's minier tds I made the micro tds. The gun is the same as the minier tds but I made it micro. I do not clam the gun or the size because a comment to the minier tds said "I used the smaller knex pieces and made this same exact gun". This gun is very cool holds 5 rounds in handle and working trigger. I'm not posting instructions just go to The Dunkis's page for the minier tds and use the smaller pieces. This gun is perfect for a side arm no
Step 1: Pic 1
Not even the size of a American dollar
Step 2: Pic 2
This is compareision to a quarter
Step 3: Pic 3
Its the size of my hand
Step 4: Pic 4
Pretty small
Step 5: Pic 5
That shoe is a men's 7 and a half realy small gun